Classique - The Cutest Blog on the Block

Friday, April 20, 2012

Something in the air!

We had such a random night this week that I have to share with all of you.

It has been rainy and cold here for a while so since it was at least cold and sunny yesterday when Jeff got home we decided to get out of the house for a walk. As we were leaving our building we saw what appeared to be a very very drunk neighbor gentleman of ours being helped into the building. Not that strange but a little funny since we never see anyone that lives here. Seriously in all the time I've been here I've only seen other people in our building maybe three or four times.

Then less than a block from our house this woman stops us for directions since she hears us speaking English. She was a character! Took five weeks off her job to come over to Europe to see Mummenschanz. If you actually know what this is then give yourself a pat on the back and let me know, because we had never heard of them. If you don't then you really should just google them and find out for yourself. They are basically mime performers. Anyway this lady goes on to tell us how she has been a crazed obsessed fan since she saw them perform on Sesame Street in the late '70s. She told us of her love of trapeze art and that next she was leaving Geneva to attend one of the premier clown colleges in the world. She had gotten lost trying to find an Ethiopian restaurant for dinner. An odd cuisine to be trying in Geneva of all places, but what do I know. Anyway we walked her most of the way to her destination so she didn't get lost again. She was highly entertaining!!

Then we had quite the scare coming back to our building. It seriously was like a scene out of a movie. When the elevator doors opened there was a woman lying face down in a very odd position on the floor of the elevator. We were both so in shock and speechless that the doors started to close. I think I said "Shit!" and went to hit the button again. The door opened back up and Jeff started talking to her to see if she was alive. She finally mumbled a few words and crawled/stumbled her way out of the elevator to collapse back on the entry floor of our building. Jeff says, "Are you okay? Are you drunk?" She laughs and says yes so we went ahead and left her there. She had no purse or shoes with her. We're not really sure if she's a neighbor or not since we never see anyone in our building. I have to say, though, there was a serious moment that both of us thought we had just found a dead body in the elevator. It was crazy!!!!

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