Classique - The Cutest Blog on the Block

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Oct - Zermatt, Switzerland

For a wedding present, people in Jeff's office pitched in to get us a night stay in Zermatt, Switzerland at a very cool new modern hotel. Zermatt sits in a valley below the Matterhorn. To keep the city clean and avoid air pollution that could obstruct people's view of the Matterhorn cars with a typical combustion engine are not allowed in the city. Instead electric vehicles are used to get around the city. There is an exception made for some emergency and city vehicles. When traveling to Zermatt we had to drive to a nearby town, park our car, and take the train from there. They have a free phone at the train station when you arrive in Zermatt to call your hotel for a shuttle to pick you up.

Now we may have had some great luck with weather in London, but we were not so lucky with this trip. The first snow storm of the year was moving in the weekend we were there so we saw lots of clouds, but never the Matterhorn.

Here's the view we never had. . . the town of Zermatt with the Matterhorn in the distance.
This is more like what our view from the city looked like.... lots of clouds!!

It was pretty to see all the leaves changing colors!

This little chapel downtown has a cemetery that is dedicated to the many people who have lost their lives trying to ascend the Matterhorn. Some of the tomb stones are really unique. 

What do you do when your in a small ski resort town and all the lifts and cable cars are closed? Well we decided to go for a delicious typical Swiss dinner. We found this amazing restaurant and enjoyed quite the spread! We had fondue and some of the most delicious lamb ever!!

Jeff trying out the fondue. 
My turn. . . delish!!

Now I mentioned earlier that we stayed in this great hotel, so I had to include pictures. Our room is what they called a "cube loft". It was a crazy cool design!! They even had a spa that was included with our stay.
That's the bed upstairs with the bathroom below it. Yes you can see into the tub and sink area from the sofa. The toilet and shower are closed off.
Here's a view from the other corner. Notice the dark curtain on the right. . .now check the pic below.
This is what's behind the curtain. We actually ended up in a cube loft for a family. They have this separate two level area attached for the kids. It's a crazy design!!
This is the grand chandelier in the lobby, pretty unique!!
Here are a couple more scenic pictures from our drive home.

Crazy deep ravine we drove over
We may have missed the Matterhorn, but I did enjoy all the Fall colors along our drive!