Classique - The Cutest Blog on the Block

Friday, January 27, 2012

What's in a name?

Welcome to my blog! I often hear comments from people I know and sometimes even strangers that go something like this. . .

"Wow! You live in Switzerland?!? You are so lucky!"
"You live in Europe?!? That must be like a vacation!"
"I'm so jealous! That must be like a dream come true!"

Well, I am lucky and it is like a vacation BUT it's also life. There are still struggles and challenges just like anywhere you live. That's what inspired my blog name. The next couple years Jeff and I will be living in Geneva, Switzerland while he's on assignment for work. We are so very blessed and fortunate!! I am starting this blog to share our stories and pictures of our life abroad. Sometimes it's hard to keep up with email when I want to write you all individually and tell you all the same story. I start to forget who I've told what, so now here I can share with all of you at once!! 

I really hope you leave comments and let me know what you think along the way! I'm new to all this blog stuff so if you have any recommendations let me know. Happy reading!!